Axe Boxes are being painted
Axe Boxes Finishing
Hand Forging Machinary
Boxes Strap Making
Axe Heads in Factory
Boxes Paint
Axe Boxes Finishing
Hand Forging Machinary
Boxes Strap Making
Axe Heads in Factory
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An Idea to provide best experience of gifting an Axe, Sword, or a knife to your loved ones. So I designed a wooden box and a lot of axes for you.

Being in a family of Blacksmith's I saw everyday forging Iron pumping the air to increase the heat, and tempering the forge one in oil. As being in and raised in third world countries like Pakistan Forging is considered only for Men but there are many Females who do Forge Steel. I sometimes do make small things like, a Kitchen Knife or a small dagger which I keep to myself till today, but mostly I design new things by getting Ideas from exploring Internet. I do love the Idea to make a wooden gift box for our axes as mostly people look for value which they get in return of they spend. So I decided to make one and here it is, you can check out my shop or let me know if you need any help. Now I am almost completing my studies and would Love to keeping my family legacy by designing and creating beautiful Crafts like Hunting Knives, and Vikings Norse Axes.

Our Team



Owner, Designer, Customer Service
A women who knows to forge, Design, and turn Ideas into reality.


Maker, Dispatcher, Customer Service
Daniel got the hands of Thor and Eyes of an eagle to make Swords, Viking Axes, and Hunting Knives at perfection.


Maker, Assistant
Rashid do my most of the Leather work, the belts I use on my Wooden Boxes are made by him.


Maker, Assistant
Nasir knows so much about wood, he helps me a lot in deciding which wood should we use for our axes and wooden boxes. Nasir makes my wooden boxes, and makes sure they are perfectly made for each axe.


Photographer, Assistant
Ahad has a really great understanding of Photography and do my photo shots for our Axes, Knives, and Swords.